Personality Profiling with Clarity4D

Value individual difference to effectively manage, motivate and encourage teams

The power of colour and communication is unleashed in this fascinating workshop. Clarity4D Personality Profiling takes understanding you and your team to a new level. Create a company-wide language to simplify communication, create partnership, enhance teamwork and build responsibility.


Personality Profiling is an essential resource to better manage teams and place individuals in positions within which they will flourish.

Clarity 4d

Clarity4D helps organisations:


  • Support recruitment
  • Maintain motivation
  • Identify individual development needs
  • Reduce HR interventions
  • Improve employee retention
  • Employee role placement
  • Improve communication
  • Efficiency

Personality profiling helps individuals:


  • Understand personal strengths and weakness
  • Set achievable goals
  • Understand behaviours expected in different situations
  • Adapt communication styles to improve relationships, dynamics and performance
  • Identify how personal influence can increase through meeting others’ needs
  • Build confidence in authentic leadership
  • Improve resilience

Clarity4D’s tools help teams:

  • Recognise and value the difference in others
  • Raise individual awareness and the impact of personal behaviour on the team
  • Identify preferred ways of communicating together
  • Build a framework and common language for team interactions
  • Create strategic team goals and action plans for day to day operations
  • Run efficient and effective team meetings
  • Foster team resilience to recover quicker from setbacks
  • Maintain team wellbeing and motivation during challenging times
  • Build collaboration and co-operation leading to innovation
  • Create closer supplier and customer relationships through stakeholder mapping

Workshop information and structure

This workshop is suitable for mangers, teams and individuals looking to use their personality and skillset to greater enhance the company’s structure, outlook, ethics, productivity and achievements.

Modules | | Location TBA | Duration: 9:30am – 14:30pm| Min 1 people, Max 10 |Online or in-person

The process to uncovering potential

  • Prior to the workshop you will undertake a simple, 20 minute questionnaire, answering quickly and instinctively.
  • The Clarity4D profiler will examine each individual’s answers, producing a report which explains their personality in terms of colour. What colours come out the strongest, and which colours are less pronounced from their profiling.
  • In the workshop we work with individuals to explain how to use their colour results to benefit themselves, their managers, their teams and their overarching work life.
  • This information helps managers better understand their individual team members, helping delegate roles best suited to their personality and skillset. Individuals can use this data to enhance areas which are weaker to improve their employability and team workmanship. Teams work better together once they understand which colours each member is strongest. Tasks can be set according to strengths not weaknesses; resulting in greater achievements, communication and team morale.


Ready to become your best version? Contact Nigel: and book your Clarity 4D workshop today.