As we celebrate our fifth anniversary, we are also celebrating our biggest growth year. Our network is growing each month, and we are proud to be part of what is turning into such an awesome power team of experts across all sectors, industries and skills.
As we grow, we are staying true to our original vision which is reflected in the benefits we offer our clients.
Just five of the many benefits of BGCN to our clients are:
1 With you every step of the way
You just have to read our case studies and testimonials to know how we support clients. We become a seamless extension of your team. And if you are a sole trader, you will no longer be alone in your business! We can support you every day, every week, every month or every so often but when you need us, we will be there.
For some clients we become a critical best friend – asking those awkward and challenging questions, and helping you find the answers. For some we provide a “board” role, to hold you, as the business owner, accountable for achieving targets and completing actions.
Simply put we provide what you need, when you need it, for as long as you need it for. You are at the centre of the service we provide.
2 Perfect Match
The benefit of the network is we are confident we can match you with the perfect coach to meet your needs. Choosing the right coach is crucial. First of all, you need to get on. There needs to be mutual trust, and a willingness to spend time together, and you need to be able to feel comfortable having challenging and open conversations with each other. We also think it is pretty important to be able to have a laugh (and occasionally tears!) with them too. Additionally, the coach needs to have the right skill set and experience to support you in your business strategy.
And we understand this may change. As you grow and develop as a leader, and your business grows, the perfect match for your coach may change. Your BGCN coach has one priority – you. If they can see you would now benefit from working with someone else in the network, they will introduce you and your coaching journey can continue to be productive and effective.
Collaboration – at every stage. With you, and with the network. Our moral compass is firmly focused on our clients.
4 Bespoke and Flexible
(Can you tell we are struggling to keep this down to just five benefits? 🤣 We figure we can sneak two in under this header!)
We don’t offer a set programme you have to follow. We don’t believe in one size fits all. We don’t even believe what you need now, will be the same as what you need next month.
What we do believe in is giving you the support you need how and when you need it. That may be joining group sessions and getting involved in peer coaching and mentoring. It may be having a coach join your senior team meetings, or having a regular 1-2-1 with you. It could be reviewing your process and procedures, and making sure you have the policies and system support in place you need. It could be going back to basics and providing some skills training.
There is no set price or set package. There is just what you need and how we can help.
5 Accessible value
When Peter Basford founded BGCN he wanted to make sure all entrepreneurs and business owners had access to top-quality and high-value coaching and mentoring. He recognised there were some great coaching services out there but the cost made them inaccessible to sole traders, small businesses and those who were just starting.
That principle remains in place five years later.
And being of value is more than the pricing strategy. BGCN want to add value and be of value. It’s about being the best we can for a reasonable price. We all have a wealth of experience and knowledge, and it is about helping people and giving back but most of all adding value to the client.
We can work to your budget – both time and monetary. We can provide an expert coach who can maximise the value you receive.
- Power of the Network
The clue to our USP is in our name – network. And this means so much to our clients.
Our coach network – we are confident we will have the ideal coach for you (check out benefit 2) but not only that. If you have a specific project or a short-term issue, we will work collaboratively with our coach network to bring them into your business for that specific task. Whilst we value our 1-2-1 relationship with our clients, we are backed by a team who are there to support both of us as and when needed.
Our community network – our clients often comment we know everyone! We pride ourselves on knowing someone who “can” both locally and nationwide. We don’t even want to add up how many years of business we have between us but trust us, it’s a big number! And with that experience, comes very large little black books 😉 which we are happy to open up to you.
Our client network – we often run sessions and programmes which encourage peer support amongst our clients. This has resulted in fantastic friendships and support structures. It can be lonely running your own business and connecting with others in the same position can be a great benefit.
Just speak to any of our clients to understand how these benefits have had a positive impact on them as individuals, and their businesses. We are proud of what we do – and proud of what our clients achieve.
If you would like a chat about how you could benefit from working with BGCN just drop us a line or give us a call. We are always happy to have a chat about how we can help.